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Fairfax County

A county in NoVA that people who live there will constantly tell you that its "culturally diverse". In reality its the typical American suburb full of white people stuck up in upper-middle class homes in cul-de-sacs. Traffic is horrible here since the county can never project its growing population and has 2 lane roads serving massive suburban sprawl developments. Only thing good about this county is it schools and those are at best DECENT. Every high school and most elementary schools are extremely overcrowded but some odd ass reason the middle schools are under crowded. Oh yeah the boundaries for the schools look like they were drawn by a local preschool class. Kids will be bussed to schools 2 miles away but live across from one. Everyone in the western portion of the county wishes that the Loudoun County line would be drawn further east so *GASP!!!!!!!!* they wouldnt have to live in the same county as Springfield!!!!!!!!!! Cuz ya know, one bad, insignificant place that there own county left to rot back in the late 1980s. Also, if you drive around you will begin to notice that all the houses look the same. Most of the time you can correctly guess the floorplan of a home from looking at it. The neighborhoods here are very territorial, places such as Hampton Forest in Fairfax or Virginia Run in Centreville are majority white neighborhoods where the teenagers who live there think they own the world and that anyone who lives in house worth less than 600K is dirt poor.

Fairfax County, a place where people tell you its diverse, when in reality its full of suburban white people.

by Fellow Suburbanite December 31, 2015

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