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Usually used to refer to individuals studying Game Design at the Zürich School of Arts (ZhdK). These individuals tend to use lemons in their presentations, and experience randomly occuring outbursts of intense pun-downs; where they violently solve differences when it comes to who has the best puns.
(Hint: its me; I am the best pun-isher; hahah ok gonna kms thxbaii)
Additionally you can identify a ZhdKoomer by its excessive use of "FUCK"; "UGGHHH" & the expression of throatshattering sounds of annoyance throughout daily activities.

The ZhdKoomer is also commonly seen in areas of more than 5s/m2 (screens per sq.meter) and inhabits preferably either technologically equipped ateliers or comfy; warm spaces of isolation.

The ZhdKoomers come in many variations and permutations, really presenting themselves as a widely varied bunch of individuals.

It has been observed that ZhdKoomers:

- DAB unexpectedly
- Have reduced needs for sleep
- Seem to believe in and pray to a deity they call "René"; indicating their religious orientation to be one of some technological monotheism-sect-ish offspring. Their rituals include:

- ritualistic summonings of code

- speaking in coding tongues

- sacrificial burnings of external Harddrives

- making strange reproductions of their ideas on paper; calling it a "prototype"

- loudly singing pop songs; where the lyrics have been modified to praise their deity

Give me die

"Bruh soundeffect #2"

by Felsbrocken December 11, 2019


Individual with extremely developed singular parts of their limbs. Stems from Luciano Mock; the world record holder for biggest calf/body proportions.

1. People with extremely developed + very specific muscular regions

2. People with brutally overproportional features when compared to the rest of the body

"Fookin hell mate; look at these slabs of flesh! Are these even organic matter or is it stones beneath his clothes?"
"Ah; dont worry; its just a Mock; his calves exhude dat big thicc mutation energy."

by Felsbrocken December 11, 2019