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Canadian Word to describe a man whose pants are so tight that his 'package' stand out or bulge.

Dude, that dudes pants are so tight he's got a mooseknuckle. What an fagmaster that guy is.

by Fender Case September 29, 2004

668👍 420👎


1. A series of jabs/straight punches ready-to-serve for an opponent or foe.

2. Alternate diet a fagmaster serves his hoes if they don't like their cock and hay.

3. a flurry of jabs/straight punches delivered to the mouth of an opponent.

4. The currency of the streets.

"Its hard to talk with a mouthful of jabbage"

"Jabbage can cause cavities, gingivitus, and a premature visit to the dentist"

by Fender Case October 13, 2004

11👍 3👎