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Sao Abridged

Sao Abridged is a series that takes place in the game Sword Art Online. the main characters of the series are a bunch of sociopaths, arsonists, and Tiffany (The Chocolate Axe) that don't know the series, Tron.

Sao Abridged ep.08
Kirito and Asuna arrive at her house
Kirito- You seem generally happy to see me, I was suspecting a suspiciously soundproofed warehouse out of the edge of town with a shallow grave in the back, but somehow this is more unsettling.

Asuna- Don't be stupid dumbass I'd never do that to you. I mean you still have the rabbit, don't you?

Kirito- (nervous laughing)

by Fenikksu December 3, 2022

irregular entropy

A song by the artist: Ayane
Japanese name: 不規則性エントロピー
Second ending for the Anime: Higurashi: When They Cry - GOU

Person.1: have you seen the new Higurashi ending.
Person.2: No what’s the name of the song?
Person.1: The songs name is Irregular entropy

by Fenikksu March 16, 2022

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