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The simplifying or for women reading this "dumbing down" of an already simple logical premise/point/definition or task in an attempt to get a woman to understand it.

Jenny was angry that Henry was mansplaining how to read the map. She told him it was his fault she got lost afterwards because his explanation confused her. Without it, she would have been fine she claimed (despite his mansplaining was delivered in response to her asking"How do I use this map?)

by Fevolenko September 18, 2022


1. Lying whilst concurrently making no rational sense.
eg "I said I graduated but I was exaggerating"
2. Talking effusively on a subject the speaker has no knowledge of
eg "The gender wage gap is.."
3. Assembling a random jumble of words with the sole goal being a denial of any accountability.
eg "So and like anyway, um yeah like, I don't think I was like even there that day, but like, if I was I wouldn't even like, plus you said like..."

4. Also see "Gaslighting"

Examples of "Womansplaining"

1. "I said I graduated but I was exaggerating"
2. "The gender wage gap is.."
3. "So and like anyway, um yeah like, I don't think I was like even there that day, but like, if I was I wouldn't even like, plus you said like..."

by Fevolenko March 14, 2022