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ball chiniggan

a man who has balls for chin. (a terrible insult to a gay man.)

Hollie: "You're sucha ball chiniggan!"

by Fia bbz February 9, 2009

7👍 2👎


basically, jewish testicles but in one, bullet of a word.

Olly: "michael, put away your hairy jewsticles"

by Fia bbz August 8, 2009

7👍 3👎


a longer word for dick

James: "God! I have sucha big punkavich!"

by Fia bbz February 9, 2009


acne, but on a jew.

steve: sick look at that guys jewne!

james: man, is he too tight to buy some goddamn clearasil?!

by Fia bbz November 13, 2009

6👍 1👎


a funnier way to say rather than the general 'lol'

Steff: "Is Dumbledore gay?"

Katie: "I think so. it's probably why he likes Harry so much!"

Steff: "lolbags!!"

by Fia bbz February 9, 2009

7👍 2👎


a funnier way to say sorry, when you don't mean it.

Hannah: "OW! you stepped on my toe!"

Anna: "sozbags"

by Fia bbz February 9, 2009

4👍 3👎