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If your a guy and you know a Sienna who has a crush on you, you better ask her out quick cause as soon as you deny her she's gonna go full fucking glam, and he whole thing will blow up in your face and you'll forever regret it :).

If you know a Sienna who is your friend, lucky you! You won't ever be let down, she can be complicated but one you get to know her, you'll have it all figured out.

If Sienna is your best friend you have to be careful, she'll easily choose a guy over you (depends). But keep her as close as you can and don't lose her. Also she can get jealous if you hang out with someone else more than her and can cause you to grow apart.

Other than that, you have a great best friend!

If you are a Sienna then aren't you lucky, you have to remember that friends and family are important and that boyfriends won't make you more popular.
Live your life to the fullest.
Take risks and enjoy all the little things

Boy: Sienna's really weird. I don't like her

Friends: she's... Complicated

Best friend: You get used to it :)

by Fiercefang January 27, 2018

13👍 81👎