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The type of girl that makes you forget your troubles.
A girl who is beyond beautiful both in and out.
A girl who will never accept compliments,and that's okay, because you'll never run out of way to give her one.

The type of girl that would give you her McFly shirt whilst you chill out in a premier Inn together, that type on class.

Great with animals, great with kids, great with knowing exactly what to say and when to say it... Unless it's an important situation then she's a little less clued up.

An ass that's on fire...not in the literal sense more so the visual.

You'd be lucky to find yourself a sophie, they often come out of nowhere when you least expect it. But you're glad they did.

Me: I got myself a Sophie.

Friend: damn bro you're Winning!

by Firemilk November 22, 2021