Source Code

lock it up

A command given to someone who needs to get his or her shit together. In a sports context, often said to one whose head isn't in the game, or who is playing erratically. In social situations, said to someone who is acting really strange or being embarrassing.

Joe: "Shit, this bar is never this crowded on a Wednesday... what are all these girls doing here? Looks like we picked a good night to come out."
Dwight: "Damn, look at the tits on these girls over here."
Hot Girl: "I heard that, you fucking creep."
{Joe angrily pulls Dwight aside.}
Joe: {pointing his finger in Dwight's face} "Hey, look at me. You lock it up. Don't be a liability tonight."
Dwight: "Alright, alright. Honest mistake."

by Fitterer January 20, 2006

396๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

generic baller

A random dude that neither you, or others in your current conversation know personally. Comes from the NBA Street video game series.

"Hey, what's goin on dude? Have you seen Brad?"
"Nah man, I can hardly even get to the keg cause of all these generic ballers standing around."

by Fitterer May 1, 2005

70๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

creep out

To do one particular activity for a period of time that most people would find to be excessive. Usually used to describe the act of playing a video game for an extremely long time.

"Damn, is Brian STILL in there?"
"Haha, yeah man, he just got a new expansion pack for that game so he's been creepin' out on that shit all day."

by Fitterer August 18, 2005

157๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž