Source Code

Blind Double Loner

Whilst playing Euchre and you DO NOT look at your hand and tell the dealer to pick it up, while you say "Blind Double Loner" and go alone. If you get all five tricks, you get 8 points instead of 4 because you called it blind.

Player #1: Pass.
Player #2: Pick it up, Blind Double Loner.
Player #3: Wow, this guy has got some balls.
Dealer: If you pull this off, I'll shit bricks.

by Fitzman June 8, 2009

70👍 5👎


Can be used as an ad lib, verb, sound effect, anything you want it to be.

Guy #1: Dude, what the piff just happened?
Guy #2: That guy just piffed you hardcore.
Guy #3: Yeah, that guy was just like "piff" with his gun and it was over with.

by Fitzman June 4, 2009

88👍 122👎

Partner's Best

While going alone in Euchre, you swap your worst card for your partner's best card.

Player #1: Pass.
Player #2: Pass.
Player #3: Pass.
Dealer: I'm gonna pick this heart up and go alone, Partner's Best. Here, have my sucky nine of spades.
Player #2: Alright, have my right bower.

by Fitzman June 8, 2009

73👍 7👎


The ultimate form of being afraid or backing out of something. A combination of "pussy" and "wussbag". This is the most severe insult on your manhood. Generally, someone is called this when they are afraid to a simple task.

Guy #1: Hey, turn that kid's chair around, so when he comes back he'll have to turn it back to its original position.
Guy #2: No way man, he might get angry if I do that.
Guy #1: Oh my god! You are the biggest pussbag I've ever seen in my life!

by Fitzman June 7, 2009

126👍 18👎


The ultimate form of being afraid or backing out of something. A combination of "pussy" and "wussbag". This is the most severe insult on your manhood. Generally, someone is called this when they are afraid to a simple task.

Guy #1: Hey, turn that kid's chair around, so when he comes back he'll have to turn it back to its original position.
Guy #2: No way man, he might get angry if I do that.
Guy #1: Oh my god! You are the biggest pussbag I've ever seen in my life!

by Fitzman June 7, 2009

90👍 12👎


Someone who is very afraid to do something. More than just a plain old "wuss" or "wussy". There is so much wuss to go around, that you need a bag to fill it up with. This person is a bag worth of wuss, hence the term wussbag.

Guy #1: Hey, are you gonna come egg that guys house tonight?
Guy #2: No, I don't really feel like it, what if we get in trouble?
Guy #1: Come on man, don't be a wussbag.

by Fitzman June 7, 2009

116👍 16👎

9s and 10s

When you have at least three 9s and/or 10s in your hand while playing Euchre. If you are playing the game with the "9s and 10s" rule, you can then exchange the three 9s and 10s for the three bottom cards in the kitty. This is done in clockwise order from the dealer.

Player #1: Pass.
Player #2: 9s and 10s
Player #3: Awww, I wanted 9s and 10s
Player #2: Yeah, well that sucks for you now doesn't it?
Dealer: Here's the kitty.
Player #2: Are you serious? I just got 9s and 10s back.
Player #3: Lol

by Fitzman June 7, 2009

73👍 14👎