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n. 1. A booty that's big, but not the right shape. A misshapen badonkadonk.
2. A true badonkadonk, but is used and tore up.

That ain't no badonkadonk, that's a bajunkajunk.

by Fizzle April 3, 2004

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

number one

n. urination

I gotta go do a number one

by Fizzle April 2, 2004

191πŸ‘ 594πŸ‘Ž


n. Trucker-speak for gas pedal. see hammer lane, hammer down

Hammer down.

by Fizzle April 15, 2004

29πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

it's on

what you say when the battle/showdown is about to begin, or when you want to fight someone after school.

It's on, mother trucker!

by Fizzle April 11, 2004

343πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

hammer down

Trucker-speak for hurry up, give it more gas, etc. see pedal to the metal

Trucker: We're late, so hammer down.

by Fizzle April 5, 2004

202πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


v. i. Leaving the premises. Usually written as buggin out.

"Remaining Migs are buggin out."--Top Gun

by Fizzle April 2, 2004

35πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

hit me on the hip

Could mean calling someone on their cell phone, but could also mean calling someone's pager or two-way.

Most chicks have to call me at home, but I let her hit me on the hip.

by Fizzle April 17, 2004

276πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž