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slam dunk

1. The high-percentage shot in basketball. Performed by stuffing the ball down through the rim, and generally done with some force. Can be done in a number of creative ways. Sometimes shortened to just dunk.
2. a sure thing, even money, in the bag
3. what they said

1. Shaq did a slam dunk, hung on the rim, and shattered the glass.
2. Don't worry about it; it's a slam dunk!
3. same as above

by Fizzle April 11, 2004

232πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


Gaylord Entertainment Center in Nashville, TN. Entertainment venue where the Nashville Predators hockey team plays. Usually said "the gec."

My company has a box at the GEC and I get tickets sometimes.

by Fizzle April 5, 2004

31πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

local yokel

n. Trucker-speak for a local city cop. Same as a city kitty. See bear, smokey bear, bear report, county mounty, evel knievel.

I saw five local yokels today, behind on their quotas and watching me like a hawk.

Pretty soon, local yokels will be able to pull people over for not wearing a seat belt, instead of citing you for it after pulling you over for something else.

by Fizzle April 15, 2004

31πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


n. bastardization of caulk, as in sealant.
v. tr. to caulk
Origin: Southeastern United States, state of Tennessee in particular

Give me the caunk so I can caunk the bathtub.

by Fizzle April 1, 2004

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Alloy wheels which are in the size on 20 - 24 inches also knows as timz or rimz

Im gon be bustin out in my new dubz next week fo sho

by Fizzle June 6, 2003

10πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


1. v. i. To pay politicians under the table to get them to be more agreeable to your employer's point of view, be it for or against something.
2. n. A particular group of people who engage in lobbying, e.g. the gun lobby. see also lobbyist.

I am a lobbyist who lobbies against the lobby lobby.

by Fizzle April 16, 2004

64πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

industrial strength

1. adj. Higher quality than normal
2. adj. More powerful than normal

see weapons grade

Don't make me open up a can of industrial strength whoopass!

by Fizzle March 27, 2004

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž