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Adj. A word used to express satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, excellence, approval, awe, or reverence. When used, the tone of voice often expresses what emotion is being articulated.

Feel free to add a different suffix to the word gorky to spice it up a bit. Some examples include gorkalicious and gorked up.

1. After sinking the ball in the last cup during a heated game of beer pong, Eric turns to Dan, nods his head and simply says gorky to exress his approval.

2. When at the beach for Memorial Day weekend Eric moved the car so Dan could have a place to park. To express his excitement, Dan sends Eric a text that says, gorky!

3. Shortly after establishing their bromance Dan and Eric high fived after Dan said he was so gorked up for the Rihanna concert.

by Flakey 16 June 3, 2011

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