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Proper Noun: 1. A song made by System Of a Down, featured on the album Steal This Album! This song focuses on how completely retarded war is, and has a music video made of it that included footage from the February 15, 2003 Anti-War Protests that Michael Moore helped out in making. The song includes lines about how many children die of starvation while we blow the money that could have been used to feed them on making bombs that will only kill more people and how politicians keep up false images. An extremely good song.

1. Every time you drop the bomb you kill the god your child has born...Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

by Flap Jack February 28, 2006

23👍 21👎


A crude, simplistic way of saying pee like a racehorse on steroids.

"I say good chap, I believe I need to urinate."

"What? Oh, you mean you have to pee like a racehorse on steroids."

by Flap Jack March 8, 2006

17👍 33👎