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An acronym that liberals post on their social media usernames to showcase that they are gay pedophiles.

“I’m a super gay Biden supporter that loves kids like Biden does. I put RICO in my username.”

by Flipjack flap September 28, 2023

9👍 4👎


A term used by liberals to highlight their mental deficiencies and profound love for pedophilia. Liberals who use the word “MAGAt” also have a secret, undying sexual obsession over Donald Trump and often rub a poster of Trump on their private areas while dying their hair either green or blue.

“I told a guy that he was a MAGAt and he called me a sir. I transitioned two weeks ago and my feelings were so fractured that I had to sit on my dads dildo to make me feel better.”

by Flipjack flap March 7, 2024

119👍 12👎

Zorro Kiss

The art of tactfully swiping your dick across a woman’s face, in a “Z” pattern, while she’s wearing a mask.

“I was just getting coffee when a man gave me a surprise Zorro Kiss, leaving a visible trail of Precum in the shape of a Z.

by Flipjack flap August 26, 2021