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homo d. clown

A twisted gay black clown that hosts a show for little childrens. The clown tries to get the little childrens to let him put his black penis in their mouths and right when they open wide, he hits them with a flour filled sock several times and scolds them for being so gullible and stupid.

C'mon little childrens, Let Homo d. Clown put his black cack in your mowves. Here we go, here we go... say ahhhhhh??? *whack whack* What da hell you thinking you faggot kid!? HOMO DON'T PLAY DAT!!!

by Florida Sunshine November 15, 2009

8πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


'More than meets the Eye' This involves 2 'Transgenders' having anal sex.

God, someone brought a gay porno dvd by the house last night and it had 2 Transcornholers. Their names were 'Optimus Cum' and the other was 'Ultra Faggus'.

by Florida Sunshine November 10, 2009


The snagglepuss is where a large group of people are sitting in a rather small enclosed space or room. Suddenly someone farts very quietly. Within a few seconds one of the people in the room bolts up from his chair, stands perfectly erect, and screams, 'HEAVENS TO MERGATROID!! WHO SHIT????!!! EXIT, STAGE LEFT!!! Before running out of the room the person's feet spin wildly to the sound of 'bongo's'...

Man, I was at a party last night and I'm pretty sure that Melissa farted. Tommy really did a wild 'snagglepuss' when the smell hit him!!

by Florida Sunshine November 10, 2009

33πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

nipple drawers

That asshole you see everyday at your job that has his pants waist pulled all the way up to his tits. Example: Goober Pyle on the Andy Griffith Show.

Oh my God Brenda, Richard's wearing his nipple drawers to work again!

by Florida Sunshine November 14, 2009

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

chicken eyes

It's when you're trying to explain something to someone very patiently, methodically and slowly, how to do something and they're just staring silently back at you with open eyes, head just slightly tilted, and you know immediately that they don't understand a fucking thing you're talking about.

Hey Cisco, I was trying to tell that dumb beatch Ann at work yesterday how to set her VCR clock and make it stop blinking 12:00 AM and all I got was 'chicken eyes'!!

by Florida Sunshine November 14, 2009

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

over deathtimate

This is what our fucking national news media does every fucking time some nut starts killing people or some tragedy takes place. It's also the reason the news now calls one soldier 'a troop' as in 25 Troops were killed today. It starts with some saddened faced motherfucker female or male and they always start high with the death count from 'anonymous sources' and hope that they're are babies and pregnant women involved because it sounds a lot more tragic! Any death is tragic but our 'man bites dog' fucking media hopes for a high death count whether it be war, some psycho, plane crash, tornado, hurricane etc. Fuck you to all news networks everywhere you fucking shameless death mongers.

BREAKING NEWS: There was a 'massacre' at a high school today and there are 41 known dead... BREAKING NEWS: We just found out there are only 38 known dead... 32....29....27....19.....11.... BREAKING NEWS!!! Massacre at the high school continues with this update!! 3 people were killed today in a High School massacre!! Two of them were the gunmen..... BREAKING NEWS, the high school student is wounded but in stable condition but the two gunmen are dead in this 'HIGH SCHOOL MASSACRE'!! More to follow...I hope our breaking news helped to 'over deathtimate' the death count so it sounded a lot larger of a number that had died and more of a tragedy to all of you reality fucking morons out there!!

by Florida Sunshine November 15, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

mike huckabee

What you get when you cross Kevin Spacey with Gomer Pyle.

Gawleee, Shazam!! Sgt. Carter, Sgt. Carter, I feel SHAME SHAME SHAME!!! I just butt-fucked Kevin Spacey!! We're naming our new backwoods, inbred retarded love child 'Mike Huckabee'!

by Florida Sunshine November 15, 2009

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