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Much like feminism, a complicated term, due to various uses and meanings depending on who you talk to. At its best, it refers to a male feminist, or as a speciality term for the drive for male equality under the subset of feminism. Usually refers to someone who doesn't understand the purpose and meaning of feminism, thinking it's the same as misogyny, though they usually realise their mistake.

At its worst, it refers to someone who counteracts feminism because they enjoy harassing women and/or have some crazy twisted ideas on what equality is. These dudebros will often claim they fight for men's rights, but when further pressed you'll often discover that it's for a very particular kind of man's rights- whiter than 2 percent milk and straighter than a ruler.

Good example:
"I'm a meninist because I believe that toxic masculinity and homophobia need to be stopped, but I feel they're often dismissed in talks in the media about feminism. I'm also a feminist, just with an added branch."

Usual example:
"I'm a meninist because I believe that feminism is only about the advancement of women, and I'm concerned about the prejudice that I experience as well."

Bad example:
"I'm a meninist because I believe that women are already equal to men, despite all the evidence, or I believe that they're supposed to be inferior to men. I'll claim to want men's rights, but will often be homophobic and racist as hell."

by FluffyRavens May 3, 2015

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