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Ham sandwhich

I’m built like a ham sandwhich :(

Mother: get out of the house you ham sandwhich
Me: yes mother…

by Fnazzy101 April 25, 2022


A fortnite/Gaming “Squad” that makes corny Tiktok videos with them also reacting to submissions to join the “squad”

Me: Have you heard of YeSquad
Grandma: what’s a YeSquad darling?
Me: Never mind you old rug

by Fnazzy101 April 25, 2022

black dude named cody

This man is from coco melon

Me: can I smash black dude named Cody
Grandma: sure sweetly, aslong as it’s not grandpa
Me: Darn…ok grandma :(

by Fnazzy101 April 26, 2022

2👍 4👎