Source Code


1. The style of porchagese spoken in New Zealand.
2. A combination of English, porchagese and New Zealand words made up by porch
3. Probably the most efficient language ever created because it uses long acronyms to replace long sentences that are commonly used.
4. porch style english.

Ford has been chatting with his friend porch and still can't make heads or tails out of porchuguese.

by Ford Lawnmower October 21, 2007

4πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

combing the carpet

1. The act of crawling around on the floor looking for small pieces of crack cocain that may have fallen in the carpet. This is a very common occurrence after crack heads and crack whores run out of drugs and money.
2. The act of searching for LSD after you have spilled it into the carpet.

vachil was combing the carpet for 3 hours after running out of crack.
Ford spent the night combing the carpet after spilling a vile of microdot acid on the rug.

by Ford Lawnmower October 20, 2007

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

little chicago

Hamilton, ohio In the 1920 Chicago gangsters made Hamilton, Ohio their second home. John Dillinger is documented to have been a visitor to Hamilton. During World War II, due to the large number of gambling and prostitution establishments such as Madame Freeze's and the long row of prostitution establishments along Wood Street (now called Pershing Ave), the entire city was declared off-limits to military personnel.
Hamilton is still known as little Chicago, although it is now just a drug infested shit hole, that some folks call home.

Screw Cincinnati, lets go to little Chicago, the crack rocks are bigger there.

by Ford Lawnmower October 3, 2007

34πŸ‘ 176πŸ‘Ž


1. Fake crack.
2. Derived from the fact that crack is often counterfeited with soap.
3. Anything that is sold as crack but is not.

Fred went to get a 20 rock and ended up smoking soap.

by Ford Lawnmower October 20, 2007

182πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

dogfood scam

1. A old school scam used by bums to get money by using a can of dog food and a can of cornbeef and hash. The can of dog food is emptied and cleaned out and the cornbeef is placed in the dogfood can. The bum then sits outside a grocery store eating from the dogfood can and is given money by strangers that think the poor bum is eating dogfood.
2. Any scam where a bum lowers himself to a unethical level, such as pretending to have no legs.

Ford: Well the car is busted and I'm out of money.
porch: I have a couple of dollars. Lets get some cornbeef and some alpo and pull the dogfood scam.
Ford: Heheh, the dogfood scam, I'll get my bum suit out of the trunk.

by Ford Lawnmower October 21, 2007

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


1. A multipurpose bread that is said to originate in Irvin, Kentucky.
2. A fried bread made from only self rising flour and water that can be used for any part of a meal.
3. Versatile bread that is very common in poor parts of Kentucky and other southern states.
4. Pocakes or poor cakes.
5. Replacement for bread, biscuits, pancakes or cornbread when you don't have the money for the real thing.

Debbie made some hoecakes and covered them with syrup for a nice Kentucky style breakfast.

by Ford Lawnmower October 21, 2007

5πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

irc addict

A person who is addicted to using internet relay chat.
People who, for the most part, drink a lot and do illicit drugs. Many irc addicts drink enough to kill a mule, while typing for as many as 20 straight hours, into ircchat rooms.
Irc addiction is just a state of mind. Some snap out of it after a few months and others just can't shake it. It's kinda like crack for smart people.

Ford_Lawnmower is an irc addict.

by Ford Lawnmower October 3, 2007

19πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž