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A species of human that will always try to say "Putang ina" in every kind of sentence. Mostly found in top grossing games talking about their level of expertise in the game, such as Dota 2, and more importantly Rules Of Survival and Crossfire. Most of the bulk of these species reside in the realm of Facebook, with most memes being uploaded as their profile pictures and conducting large arguments on facebook groups Lastly, they have their "Filipino pride" with them whenever you insult their country, which is best done by avoiding these types of human.

1. Oh my god dude, you're such a Filipino. Quit arguing about anything and let's eat.
2. John. Your kids are afraid of you. Your wife left you for another man. Stop being a Filipino and fix your stuff dammit.

by ForlornOfTheWoods January 21, 2019

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