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A city in Texas named after Columbus, Ohio. It sits roughly between Houston and San Antonio, although it is closer to Houston. All the people in this town seem to care about is the high school football team known as the Cardinals. High school football is all this town knows. Thus football players are gives free As by the school's teachers so they can play. Three members of the Schoebel family went on to play in the NFL. Although they don't really stand out and kind of suck. The town is about 5 to 10 years behind the rest of the world and are a close minded people that hate change. They have nothing to do in this small town. Other than Wal-Mart there is nothing. There are no real signs of intelligence in this town. If you come across it on I10 by all means pass by it. Stop in Sealy, TX or Wiemar, TX instead. Those are more friendly towns.

Joan: "Hey john we haven't stopped since San Antonio. I need to pee."
John: "No this is Columbus, Texas. Town of small minded racist rednecks and other assorted dumb asses. Lets continue on and we well stop at Sealy, A much better town."

Joan: "Ok I definitely don't want to be around some inbred hicks."

by Former Columbus Texan April 9, 2011

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