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homework is a piece of shit that no fucking student cares to do. Every Teacher loads this retarded piece of ass they call homework onto your free time. They claim that homework helps you get better fucking grades on your test when actually it gives you fucking depression and anxiety. Homework brings torture and hell to your life and the fucking round head spastic teachers are satan that love to see you do labor all day in a fucking classroom full of sweaty little chavs that nobody likes, and when you actually decide to do your homework its not on the motherfucking system, but does the teacher care? No she fucking doesn't she gives you detention for her retarded mistakes, and gives you a fucking inconsistents on your fucking report for your parents then to give you a big fucking lecture on "behaving in class" Overall FUCK homework FUCK school and FUCK teachers.

Homework is work you do at home otherwise you get a detention from retarded teachers.
P.s i dropped out of school so this is for all you chavs that relate to this.

by Fortnite sucks CoCk May 21, 2019