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A hypothetical Covid variant of concern first detected in Indonesia. It is said to be more contagious than both Delta and Omicron and may cause more severe illness. It is quickly outcompeting Omicron as the dominant strain

Sigma was the Covid variant responsible for a horrific summer surge in 2022

by Fortnite1500 November 20, 2021


A hypothetical Covid variant of interest detected in Florida. It may be as contagious as Sigma but also more vaccine resistant though further evidence is needed. So far, it’s been detected in all 50 states plus a dozen countries

Recent studies show that vaccines may not work as well against the Upsilon variant

by Fortnite1500 November 20, 2021

Nobody cares

A way of saying “I don’t care”

CDC advisor: Covid cases are on the rise again so wear a mask, stay social distant, get your vaccine and avoid…
Me: Blah blah blah, nobody cares.

by Fortnite1500 September 6, 2021


A variation of the word “Fuck”

Fak you, you fakin’ Fak

by Fortnite1500 April 19, 2019


I'm telling on you

Older Brother: (Caught smoking weed in the guest bathroom)
Younger Brother: Bleck

by Fortnite1500 November 22, 2020


A hypothetical Covid variant of interest first detected in Germany. It may be more vaccine resistant than other strains but further evidence is needed. It’s spread across Europe including the UK and it’s being detected in the US, Canada, China, South Africa, and Israel

Worry about Omicron, not Rho at this moment

by Fortnite1500 November 20, 2021


Go Away

Scram or I’ll call the fucking cops on you

by Fortnite1500 April 22, 2019