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hardcore kid

A retarded user on Urbandictionary.com who doesn't appreciate good music. Probably licks the semen out of his sister's pussy after his dad fucks her. He can be seen at your local music venue giving handjobs to the ticket takers to get in to see dance gavin dance. (He spent all his cash on skinny jeans and put the rest of his change in a roll and stuffed it in his pants so it would appear that he has a penis when in reality it had long since withered due to the multitude of STDs and various diseases he had gotten from sneaking into crackhouses and sticking random objects up his ass.)

Guy 1: Hey man do you like Foxy Shazam?
Guy 2: Yeah, they kick ass
Hardcore kid: n0 waY fagggggs, teh 0nly gud music iz tehh kynd were teh leed 5ing3r scr33ms @ the t0P of his LunGs all the timmmmmmmme!!!!!!!!!
Guy 1:Aren't you that retarded kid that wears your sister's jeans and the brightest and gayest colored shirt you can find and eats the shit straight out of your dads ass?
Hardcore kid: Yeah

by FoxyFTW October 13, 2009

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