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Rap is a form of art. It is a genre of music which includes strong beats, singing, and often looping sounds.

Rap is often a thing people use to help concentrate*. Many athletes listen to rap before a sporting event to be able to concentrate.

Something needs to be realized about rap, and that is that it doesn't suck. People scattered across the internet are assuming the following:

"I haven't listened to rap..."

"I am assuming rap isn't good..."

"I am assuming that all it includes is talking really fast into a microphone..."

"Rap sucks."

Yet, these same, ignorant, people are the people who get upset when other people complain about rock and/or metal. They are saying that "Rap is a stoopidz from od "mosic," and generalizing that. Then, people say, "In my opinion...well, I don't know...rock is a good genre of music, but I kind of prefer rap..."

What happens now?


Hyposricy ensues. Arguments such as "that is generalizing**" occur all the time. Other arguments such as "Like 0mgz r4p promotes sex, violence, gang warfare, drugs..." Yet, this always makes me laugh. Has anyone realized that rock promotes committing suicide? As stated before, hypocrisy is exemplified.

More hypocrisy is found when you realize most people posting here WANT sex...

A majority of people posting as a "definition" of rap are the one's who are ignorant about it.

"Rap takes no talent."

Rap includes Freestyle Rap, which is definitetly NOT an easy thing to do. Freestyle includes quick thinking, custom music, and the ability to talk in a quick paced, stable tone. It is not just talking fast. Going too fast or too slow will ruin a rap. Choosing background music for a rap is not easy either. It has to FIT in.

"Rappers are g4gsters wh0 n33d to b3 sh0t."

Rappers are not gangsters***. The gangster or gangsta background is an image. The image SELLS. The intent of anybody's career is to make money to live. By this statement, rappers succeed in life.

"Rap doesn't take singing...just talking really fast. Rapping takes no musical talent."

Consider looking up the word "tempo." Rapping is not talking fast, it requires metronome, beat, poetry, tempo, and rhythm. All of these are aspects of music, henceforth, rap is music. Creating music takes talent, henceforth, rap takes talent.

I hope that helps clear people's minds up. It sickens me how unintelligent, one sentence long "definitions" are the ones with the most thumbs up. It is also pitiful how if you choose to knock this down with a "thumbs down," you will be biased. Nothing I stated here was an opinion; these are all facts.

*Several athletes have said that they always listen to rap before a sporting event.

**Generalizing can not be done to the genre of rap. In fact, rap is not a genre. It is a culture. There are many, many, many sub-genres of rap. Chances are at least one song on your iPod is a rap. Just because iTunes doesn't classify it as a rap, does it not make it a rap?

***Something needs to be understood about gangsters. Rappers are not gangsters, and chances are (if you live in urban areas), you have never seen a gangster. Gangsters are people who choose to be gangsters as a way for survival. The gangster life is the life of shooting, stealing drugs, robbing, petty theft, felonies... Rappers are not gangsters, and listening to rap or becoming a rapper does not make you a gangster.

by Fra22 December 7, 2005

470👍 391👎


There are five types of "gangsters."

1 - The wannabes. This is a group of white or black kids who, although have never committed a felony, call themselves "gangsters," "Homie G's," or other wasteful nicknames. They call themselves gangsters because they listen to rap, sag, talk in slang, and cuss. This group is found mostly in Junior High, but unintelligent elementary school kids may also be these kinds of gangsters.

The hilarious thing about this group of “gangsters” is that they speak so seriously, but they don’t realize they look like complete morons.

2 - The Mini-Mafia. This group, high enough to be called an actual gang, consists of High-Schoolers who may do criminal acts such as vandalism, underage sex, drinking (or other forms of alcohol) and/or occasional murders. These people are generally uneducated morons, yet they are still hazardous.

3 - The Mafia. This group is consisting of thugs who will willingly identify a man, track him down, and kill him for money. Generally, they are white businessmen (or not, depending on your definition of “businessmen”) They are very organized and are often associated with cocaine and other drugs. They are, however, usually civilized enough not to talk in slang tongues.

4 - The Upper-Class. This group consists of adults who, formerly or imaginably, used to be poor men struggling for survival, forced to live on the streets. As a result of writing rap songs out of their experiences, they gain money, fame, and like every celebrity, hatred.

5 – The Real Deal. This consists of people who were born and raised on the streets. Instead of nobly living a homeless life in a shelter or acting as a typical hobo, they choose to commit crimes to get money (most of which end up being used for drugs and alcohol). Life near The Real Deal is a large risk.

1 - George: "Yo, Gordon, what's up me Homie Black?"
Gordon: "Nothing much, fucka. I've just been hangn' in the hood"
George: "Shut yo' mouth, foo'. The gangster life just don't tolerate shit like that."

2 - George: "Yo, Gordon, what'd yo' do to dat punk who bumped yo' in the hallz?"
Gordon: "I just left a sample of hell on his backporch."
George: "Fire settles everything, me nigga. By the way, Yolanda is pregnant..."

3 - George: "Gordon, sit down. A man by the name of Tom Cruise has mocked our headquarters. I want you to take him out."
Gordon: "I have no motivation."
George: "I will offer $5,000 if you can get him dead tonight."
Gordon: "Where'd I put my gun?"

4 - "I started out at 15
Scared as hell
I took 30 off a pack
And i made them sales
As a youth man i used to hustle for loot
With that little deuce deuce
And my triple fat goose
Sippin' easy jesus
Rockin' the leases
But mama whipped me when she found my pieces
I look back on life and think thank god im blessed
We the best on the planet so forget the rest" - Tony Yayo

5 – George: Damn bitch ran into me, so I gunned down dat mutha fucka.
Gordon: Did you get his wallet?
George: I already bought the crack.

by Fra22 May 8, 2006

51👍 58👎