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Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil. These things are pure awesomeness and one, can be over a million volts of lightning, and two, can be used to play music.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice is the only analogy I can give. Remember that scene when Dave takes Becky down into his lab and asks her to "get into his cage?" Remember the big lightning machines? Those are real DRSSTCs. They are a type of Tesla Coil, along with SGTC and SSTC. Well, the lightning in that was special effects for safety reasons, but the sound and device is real, invented by Nikola Tesla.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl December 10, 2011

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Tesla Coil

*cont* Their arcs can be purple, or bright white *edged with blue*, depending on the type, size, and current. 99.99 percent of people that build these for fun are boys, but there are the occasional girls, including yours truly. If you want more and more immediate info, ask the people on www.4hv.org. You need to make an account though and the mods do not dig one ounce of spam. The account is free though. They depict these in the movie "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." END :D

It's weird enough to say "I love Tesla Coils" really fast when you are a girl, but it is weirder when you hear a boy say that.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl December 23, 2011

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tesla Coil

*continued* It's simplest to build one that is one to two feet tall. The simplest one to build is a SGTC. The easiest way to build one is with a transformer, connected in parallel to a spark gap connected in parallel to a capacitor connected in parallel to the primary coil and a secondary coil of about 1200 turns of magnet wire placed inside the primary coil and a topload (it has to be of a shape with no edges, such as a sphere or a toroid--donut shaped) on the secondary. The secondary is then grounded to a copper pipe in the ground. The transformer needs to be at least 7500V 30mA. Yeah, DO NOT TRY IT AT HOME unless you know what you are doing or want to electrocute yourself. SGTCs cannot be audio modulated. It can be with an extra part but the noise would be drowned out by the spark gap. If you yell and can still hear yourself, you didn't make the spark gap right. To make sure you get the values right, you can go to JavaTC. It's a free online software for SGTC building. You can download it online. For more details on how to build one, buy or torrent "The Ultimate Construction Guide to Tesla Coils" or something.A slightly harder one that requires previous knowledge on electronics is a SSTC. They aren't as hard as DRSSTCs, but these ones are nice because the arcs are pretty safe to touch without a faraday suit and they are the fun, audio modulated ones.

I like them tesla coils huge.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl December 23, 2011

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tesla Coil

*cont* They cannot get as big as DRSSTCs can. DRSSTCs are fucking dangerous but cool at the same time. These ones you NEED a faraday suit to touch the arcs or you will die. These things can be HUGE. They are very hard to build because both the primary and secondary coils have to be in resonance with each other. It is a committed build, because it is very expensive to build and even more expensive to buy. Never buy them. Always build them. It's cheaper that way. I spent about 200 dollars total on my SGTC, and for a smaller one online, it costs about 1200 dollars. DRSSTCs cost around 1000 dollars for a big one... to build from scratch. VTTCs are what it says... it has vacuum tubes. Vacuum tubes are archaic transistors. Transistors boost current. VTTCs are slightly more complicated than SSTCs, and their arcs are completely safe to touch. The arcs are still HOT though, but I'm talking electrically. HFSSTCs are high frequency, so they are also safe to touch to an extent. In all of these, I still suggest NOT touching the arcs at all, unless you have a desktop model of an SSTC. Those ones apparently "feel like how a 9V feels like on your tongue." That is the basics on Tesla Coils. Oh and also... Nikola Tesla invented it (DERP no duh). I forgot to mention. They can be over a million volts and various currents, and powered by multiple types of transformers.

I am going to go play with a million volts in my garage now using my tesla coil.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl December 23, 2011

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Tesla Coil

Read above post also. The most epic thing ever made. There are multiple types, such as Spark Gap Tesla Coils (SGTC), Solid State Tesla Coils (SSTC), Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coils(DRSSTC), Vacuum Tube Tesla Coils (VTTC), and High Frequency Solid State Tesla Coils (HFSSTC) , and much more. All Tesla Coils are transformers. They look like weird, thin, and shiny towers. Their size can vary, from the 3 inch tall desktop models, to the 7 feet tall garage models, to the 200 ft tall Lightning Lab models. I need to explain over couple of posts because there isn't enough space to contain all the awesomeness I am about to explain.

I love Tesla Coils. The longer, taller, and wider they are, the better. The more powerful the Tesla Coil, the better. I love that white stuff coming from that top. The more of it, the better.

I need a constant stream of water on my secondary coil when shining it. I need to put one coat of polyurethane on it, sand it down in the water, poly it again, and sand it down, about 10 times for a nice shine. It gets pretty cold outside so I just take it into the shower with me.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl December 23, 2011

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AP Human Geography A slightly interesting but utterly useless AP course taken by mainly ninth graders thought up by College Board. Most colleges don't look at it, and it's only use is if you get an A in it, you get a weighted 6 for your weighted GPA, which colleges don't look at either. (They look at unweighted, so if you do terrible in it, you're fucked)

Guy 1: I got a 5 on my APHG test!
Guy 2: Who cares? It's an easy course.
Guy 1: At least there's the credit.
Guy 2: Colleges don't look at that.
Guy 1: At least I have the weighted GPA.
Guy 2: Colleges don't look at that either.
Guy 1: At least I have an A.
Guy 2: You could have saved the trouble and taken a regular course.
Guy 1: At least it was interesting.
Guy 2: That's opinionated, and is an invalid argument.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl July 28, 2012

19πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Nikola Tesla

In a phrase Nikola Tesla > Charlie Sheen, Nyan Cat, Chuck Norris, and any other so-called win people added, then raised exponentially to the power of a googolplex. This dude invented the polyphase alternating current system, fluorescent lighting, had OCD (especially with the number 3), caused an earthquake, might have invented a time travel machine but blueprints destroyed in lab fire, was the true inventor of radio, helped develop a necessary logic gate called an "AND" gate, and lots more. The best thing he did though, was invent the epic win Tesla Coil.

Nikola Tesla was far more influential on out lives than Edison, yet he gets only a paragraph, if any in textbooks. Nikola Tesla = WIN. And sadly he's dead and asexual. He's also somewhat hot.

by Fractal-Pterodactyl December 10, 2011

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