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Used in web development , comes from a smashing the words approve, merge, and push together.

Dev 1: How's that new feature look?

Dev 2: Amersh it!

by Frank Quintero December 19, 2018

fucking delicious

describing something as great, not always used in a "taste" sense

"that party was fucking delicious"

by Frank Quintero April 21, 2008

17👍 6👎


The action that comes before talking or dealing jokingly with; also known as pre-banter; pre-jest

I was pre-kidding Frank, I was preparing the joke and you just ruined it.

by Frank Quintero November 7, 2015


A misspelling of centrifugal

Woah! Check out all that centifrugal force!

by Frank Quintero October 3, 2022