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Corona virus is a virus that makes people become Zombies and rush to the stores to buy toilet paper. the reason why people buy a lot of toilet paper is unknown some people even steal hand-sanitizer from the hospitals. When a diarrhea virus becomes a big thing people are gonna start buying nose spray like WTH.

i got covid-19 but im rushing to stores to buy toilet paper

by FranklyRabbit April 5, 2020

5👍 2👎


To “OJ” something, meaning to metaphorically kill something, or to succeed at a task

- Yo dude you killed that exam, -Yeah dude i totally OJ’d it

by FranklyRabbit April 10, 2024


Dingus is a word to define a human or an animal as stupid or as low IQ

Bro Alex is such a dingus, Yeah I know right

by FranklyRabbit April 15, 2021