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Joe Scarborough

Humorless twit who acts as a conservative pundit on MSNBC's Morning Joe. Was also once a talentless congressman. When he is on the show, the routine involves him picking fights and routinely losing them. When he is on vacation, the show generally sails forward as effortlessly entertaining. Rumor has it that he has incriminating photographs of someone high-up at MCNBC and that is why they continue to permit him to spew douchbag rhetoric on air. Has an unhealthy case of man-love for Pat Buchanan, another conservative talking-points blowhard.

Joe Scarborough: The way Jon Stewart undressed Jim Cramer on The Daily Show was most unfair. I do not believe our agendas, I mean viewpoints, should be questioned people. Just listen and accept; that's what I do when I'm given my Republican talking points.

by Fraud Exposer July 6, 2009

307๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brian Brohm

A former 2nd round draft choice of the Green Bay Packers, who has only proven how inept a quarterback can be given the opportunity.

A stink pot. The height of craptitude.


Fan 1: There is no way that guy over there was the same Brian Brohm who was a quarterback at Louisville.
Fan 2: Yes, he is. It's just that he's just like his older brother, NFL-illiterate.

What in the hell is that smell, did something rot & die in here?
No, we were just watching that Brian Brohm on TV. The stink is so bad it is coming through the screen.

Fan 1: You know what I like?
Fan 2: No, what?
Fan 1: I like watching quarterbacks throw interceptions. It really makes me laugh.
Fan 2: If you want to laugh so hard it hurts, you really should check out Green Bay's QB of the future, Brian Brohm.

by Fraud Exposer September 24, 2009

80๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž