Source Code


Shortened version of hamshank, which is rhyming slang for wank

"I'm dying for a hammy right now!"

by Fraz September 30, 2005

3👍 26👎


Great British film about people taking heroin and their struggle to get off it. Contains best quote ever. Was also filmed outside of my school who were a bit pissed off once they realised it was about taking drugs.

Trainspotting rules. Begbie is a legend.

by Fraz October 25, 2005

449👍 318👎

soccer am

The greatest EVER football related programme. On every saturday on sky sports, its worth the cost of sky alone. Has some cool bands n people on it. If you chose not to watch soccer am and call yourself a football fan you need to be shot

Tim Lovejoy is a legend. Helen Chamberlain is a legend who managed to win $400,000 playin her first ever poker competition. Tubes needs a haircut, Rocket needs to grow and Robbie Knox is a tramp!!! Soccer am is life

by Fraz September 30, 2005

32👍 19👎


just one beer can start off a so-called 'fraz' and from that point on all hell breaks loose. Climbing lampposts, stealing mobility scooters, kissing middle aged men and women, even attempting to engage with a friends mother, sleeping in a parking lot or a strangers garden, having a nipple bitten by a fat guy and a host of other ludicrous antics become acceptable and can accumalate to being 'frazzed'

Chloe: "you were so fucking frazzed last night"
Frank: "Yeah I know but that's because someone Charlie Yapped me"
Tom: "Youre a fucking idiot!"
Danny: "Its a Monday, we have school. Never get frazzed on a monday"
Frank: "Yeah I know but I got up to some crazy stuff, exams are for nerds anyhow"
Everyone in harmony: "you cunt"

by Fraz May 16, 2016


Irony at its finest, a white person ruling a predomenantly black industry.

Eminem isnt a bad musician just america is too fucking stupid to deal with any strong messages.

by Fraz October 5, 2005

16442👍 4151👎


To make your mates go for 'one drink' with the secret and devious intention of having many more and becoming loosely drunk before hitting the town.

Charlie: "does anyone want to go to the pub on this lovely Tuesday night?"
Frank: "yeah, but I know you are trying to get me yapped and then I'll end up frazzed"

by Fraz June 5, 2016

Rage Against The Machine

Fucking immense band. Everyone with any sense of rock music should listen to RATM. They rule. Shouldn't have broken up so early, but still made 4 quality albums.

Rage Against The Machine rock. Tom Morello is a legend and genius. If you only think they are good because of their lyrics just listen to some of Morellos guitar solos : Kick out the Jams, Know your enemy for example. They are musical genius. If anything they are highly underrated

by Fraz October 30, 2005

86👍 144👎