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Apache Pilot

A rated Army aviator, operating the AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopter. Typically less than 64 inches in height, fond of wearing Randolph aviator glasses and driving either a full size pickup truck with semi-stacks and Metal Mullisha stickers, a pony/muscle car, or an annoying motorcycle with loud exhaust. Spontaneous utterances of the word "attack" are often encountered when in the company of an Apache driver. Apache pilots enjoy pointing out how "gay" the pilots of other airframes are, until confronted with the fact that the armored glass between the pilot and co-pilot/gunner was installed to prevent man on man aerial lovemaking. For additional information see the film: "Firebirds", featuring Nicholas Cage wearing panties on his head.

Q. Who are all those short guys playing volleyball and trying to look like the scene out of Top Gun?

A. Those are Apache pilots.

by Fred Belkin December 6, 2011

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