Source Code


P.M.S is a abbreviation used during text-messaging and IM conversations meaning; Pretty Much the Same

Guy1- What are you doing?

Guy2- Not much, you?

Guy1- Oh well P.M.S., I've had a pretty uneventful day.

Guy2- Oh?! That's cool, I guess

by Freddy P. January 29, 2008

33👍 71👎


Initial Bullshit Factor -IBF also known as IBSF.

The Initial Bullshit Factor or IBF is the thing you have to take into consideration whenever someone irreliable, or someone with a history of lying tells you something.

Guy 1- So Joey was telling me about how he had a massive orgy with the ENTIRE cheerleading squad. And immediately I took into consideration his IBF. And so I just told him SFW dude. Your an AWFUL liar. Later I found out he was telling the truth, but how was I suppose to know he lies about EVERYTHING!!

by Freddy P. June 12, 2008

23👍 32👎