Family/clan reference for the current Press Secretary at the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders
I don't understand why anyone bothers attending White House press briefings - all the Huckabeast ever does is lie!
The Huckabeast really is the perfect Press Secretary for #LiarInChief Donald Trump.
Nickname for President Trump that draws on his oddly orange complexion, his passion for fake tans, and his ape-like behaviour (though Orangutans might be insulted by the comparison)
The Orange-U-Tan and his monkey business are beginning to get on my nerves - treason, corruption, and lies, lies, lies!
I'm afraid to turn on the TV in the morning, just to find out that the Orange-U-Tan has done something new to embarrass himself AND America...
A rare combination of heavy-duty intellect and everyday naivete that belies the meaning ("fortunate") of this arcane name and connotes the inexplicably lucky streak required for such an individual to survive life's challenges
It's a Faustina-ic situation
She's such a Faustina!
It's an example of Faustinicity.
It was a hairy situation, but I managed to do a Faustina!
Faustina-pitous coincidence
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