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Sunny B

When your girl wakes you up as the sun is rising because you're on her side on the bed. The only way for her to make amends is with a blow job on the spot

"WTF babe. I have an important meeting today. You couldn't let me sleep?"

Feeling guilty, she gives her man a Sunny B thus restoring balance to the relationship.

by Fresno Bob April 7, 2016

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Samoan Roadblock

When you get caught behind two fat chicks walking slow in a narrow hallway and there isn't enough room to pass

Jed - "Yo Dennis why you late? The meeting started 10 minutes ago."

Dennis - "Bro I couldn't help it I got caught behind a Samoan Roadblock coming back from my smoke break."

by Fresno Bob September 28, 2017

Blue Jack

A person of African descent and Jewish heritage. As in - Black Jew (Blue) Jew Black (Jack)

"Yo have you seen Schmoolie Jefferson lately?"

"Nah man that Blue Jack hasn't been around in weeks."

by Fresno Bob April 26, 2013

3👍 1👎

El Paso Card

Unlike when someone pulls your card (throws you under the bus), the El Paso Card is pulled when you are at the urinal in your office building, you fart, and then right away someone walks in and says hello to you using your name, thus announcing to those in the stalls it was you who just ripped one.

Mike is standing at the urinal and farts. Phil walks in and says, "Yo what's up Mike?!" Pat comes out of the stall, looks at Mike and says, "Damn Mike. Phil just pulled your El Paso Card."

by Fresno Bob April 6, 2016