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Combonation of the slang word "weiner" and penis.

Man that guy combined the words weiner and penis and made the word wenis.

by Friend Of Albanians March 22, 2007

12👍 30👎


I'll Be Back, IBB instead of BRB.

Chatroomguy1:Hey I gotta go but I'll be back.
Chatroomguy2:Why didn't you just say IBB?
Chatroomguy1:What does IBB mean?
Chatroomguy2:It means I'll be back, it's just easier to say IBB, so next time you have to leave but will be right back just say that, we will know what you're talking about.
Chatroomguy1:Ok, IBB.

by Friend Of Albanians September 18, 2007

6👍 5👎


Albanian Bad Boys: Some Albanian guys I know said it meant Albanian Bad Boys, and this was back in like 96/97 when there was no Bush.

ABB is the ABBreviation for Albanian Bad Boys.

by Friend Of Albanians September 18, 2007

15👍 32👎

Vince McCucumber

Vince McCucumber is a cool guy on youtube, I like him so much that I am pretending not to be him writing this.

Vince McCucumber is a youtuber.

by Friend Of Albanians February 11, 2022


A sexual predator who picks up children for sex.

This guy Joey got on the internet and started to view children as prey and himself as a predator, he figured since he's a predator and a pedophile he might as well combine the two words and call himself a predaphile.

by Friend Of Albanians March 28, 2007

7👍 21👎