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a person who acts edgy but is actually very sensitive

Xbox Live Kid 1: My dad works for mojang and he'll delete your account
Xbox Live Kid 2: Then how come you can't PVP for shit
Xbox Live Kid 1: demonic screetching
Xbox Live Kid 2: Thats what I thought, edgebaby

by Friendly Definitionist September 20, 2020


1) Consuming something that isn't one of the 3-4 states of matter.
2) Consuming something extraterestrial

Exoconsumption: Consuming something that isn't one of the 3-4 states of matter.
Person 1: I love exoconsuming a superfluid, nom nom nom
Person 2: That can't be healthy for you. Why don't you dreat this soup instead?
Person 1: You can't tell me what to do *exoconsumes superfluid anyway*
Person 3: Have you heard? Superfluids have been announced to be deadly!
Person 1: oof

Person 1: Ima dreat alien soup
Person 1: *dies in a paralel universe*

by Friendly Definitionist June 26, 2020


A way better term than libtard.
(do NOT use unironicly)

Liberal: i just believe that science is true
Conservative: oh you liberals and your liberalchemy
Liberal: can you please stop insulting everyone who opposes you?
Conservative: ok, liberal-qaeda

by Friendly Definitionist October 31, 2020