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rhode island

Smallest State in the Union. Rhode Island is home to a unique, diverse population.

We have Providence with the eastside where thayer street rats run rampant on their friend's adderol and ritalin. Providence is also home to School One, while it used to be a cool alternative highschool (no not for retards, for artistic potheads), it is going down the tubes with the introduction of ignorant 14 year old girls who don't believe kwanza exsists because they don't know anyone who celebrates it.

But don't let that get you down, as providence is still home to a great scene if you know the right people. Venture into Olneyville and you will find whats 40s, culture and chronic have created... the providence noise scene. These people are really something, they make the crappiest sounding "music" and totally rock out to it. You can grow to love this, but it is definitely an acquired taste. Don't be mistaken, these aren't asshole "indie" rockers (although they do dress like them), they are just assholes. If you didn't realize they listen to modern rap along with every other kind of music (FOREIGNER!), they might ignore you.

Go down past providence to the southern shore and you have North Kingstown, Jamestown and Newport. North Kingstown is a huge town with a massive population with stereotypes from rednecks, yuppies, latinos, ghetto in the suburb and your basic white stoner. Jamestown is a 9x1 mile island in the middle of Narragansett bay. This is home to yuppies, rich assholes, and the elite of the rhode island stoners. These Jamestowners are pro's at smoking pot, and if you try to sell them kindbud for more than $10 a gram you will get laughed out of town.

Newport is home to equally cool people as jamestown, but it is overrun with tourists, yuppies and richies. This is were Jamestowners sell crappy pot for $20 a gram and get praised for the good deal.

Rhode island's favorite pastime is pot smoking and binge drinking.

Man, august through september sucks, you can never find any good indoor, just bad outties. Rhode island keeps getting busted.

Hey man, could you go on a run for me?

by From Providence to Jamestown, Rhode island rocks September 25, 2005

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