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oh my god god

what you say when you really don't care about what the other person is saying; i.e. a sarcastic 'oh my god'. Best if used in a whiny annoying tone of voice

Lame Person: dude i have to tell you this story, this tree fell at my school man it was incredible!
Me: (whiny) OH my GOD GODDDD!

by Fruitermelon August 17, 2007

43πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


fat tits + time = tummyboobs

she's gonna have such bad tummyboobs in about 5 years

by Fruitermelon August 7, 2007

58πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


someone who will lick semen out of a vagina

It doesn't mater what gender you are, if you eat'z the cream piez then you're bisexual

by Fruitermelon February 24, 2008

49πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

text offender

someone who text's a lot and whose messages are mostly unwarranted or unwanted.

i get so excited when my phone rings cuz i think she's texting me, but then i see it's kek asking me something stupid and getting my hopes up. kek is such a text offender

by Fruitermelon September 3, 2008

51πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

GF Stamp

the "Get-Fucked Stamp". a metaphorical stamp placed on the head of anything that gets fucked, either by extreme destruction or extreme intoxication.

We dropped acid on the train-ride there, and 90 minutes later we all got the GF stamp.

5 shots of absinthe gets us the stamp, so we'll prolly have 3-4 tonight so we don't GETFUCKED.

by Fruitermelon November 9, 2009

shit i farted

2. An exclamation declaring to someone that one has accidentally farted gas, or farted shit.
1. A phrase used to refer to something that came out your asshole by accident, either literally, or figuratively.

2. What's that smell?
-Oh shit i farted, sorry.

1a. Hey bro, wanna watch Oprah?
-I'd rather eat shit i farted.

1b. What's that she's wearing on her head?
-I dunno, looks like shit i farted

by Fruitermelon January 16, 2010

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


r2c is shorthand for saying 'reply to confirm', which is a command given to someone via some sort of intermediary communicative device. It usually follows a statement or command given to someone that is particularily important for the intended receiver to understand and/or follow.

Yo i'm picking up 3 for $45 for us and will, plz r2c

by Fruitermelon April 22, 2010

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž