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Krissy is hella fine, usually got them thicc thighs- People always line up for her. But she will hold a spot just for the right person! She’s so love able, those immaculate thighs are so cute and fluffy you just wanna kiss over and over again, that smile could give you butterflies, with the most lovely lips to kiss~ Hell she can be goofy at times but also very worry-some, she will always try her best to take care of you even if she doesn’t show it 100% of the time! Krissy has a very clingy profile but its because they make her feel different, and excited to even see your name pop up, Krissy loves the attention from her loved ones. Krissy can get so overwhelmed with love that she gets nervous and starts acting like a goof but you just gotta connect with her and she’ll eventually warm up! She can also be a super “interesting” person but still can make you laugh. Though sometimes she can overthink even the smallest things,

Just know whoever gets to her first has to be the luckiest person alive, shes a keeper, must protect her at all costs!

Mike: “Shit man! Krissy got a man already! Damn! She’s so cute though!”
Tom: “Dude! Krissy chose Johnny! Ughh They so lucky!!”
Johnny: “Haha, Krissy is so hot, I love her so fucking much!”

by FuKc iT Man January 13, 2021

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