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Fuck is a very versatile word and can be a noun, verb, adjective, prefix, and suffix all in one word!

Etymology: There are many theories to the origin of "fuck". Some say it was first described in a poem in English and Latin code about people who will not go to heaven because they "fuck wives of Ely", but there are many other theories too, too many to list them all. The word "fuck" was probably first popularized in the 1928 novel Lady Chatterley's Lover, where the word "fuck" was used numerous times. In 1938, a song called Old Man Mose gained notoriety for saying "fuck" in it as well.

The phrase "fuck you" was first mentioned, however, in The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger.

As a verb, it mostly means to engage in sexual intercourse with the subject, or to destroy/mess up something.

As a noun, it usually means a person disliked by the speaker.

As an adjective (e.g. fucked) it means something destroyed or messed up.

As a prefix or suffix, it is used to create compound swears or insults. Examples are below.

Sometimes, however, it is just thrown around into sentences, proving its decrease in vulgarity among the years.

The more you abuse the word "fuck", the bigger your penis is. It's a proven fact.

verb: I fucked your mom last night, but on the way out of her room I fucked up the doormat.

noun: George is a stupid fuck.

Adjective: I went on 4chan last night and I saw a really fucked up picture of a dick on there!

Prefix: You fuckhead!

Suffix: Kevin is a douchefuck.

Filler: Today I went to the store and I was like, holy fuck, they had a sale on fucking chocolate bars! I mean, fuck, I bought like, 5 chocolate bars for 1 dollar! Holy fucking shit!

by Fucking Fuckfucker July 12, 2009

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