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Poser Metal

Metal that has no point in it's lyrical content and is incapable to be listened to by any real metal head on this earth. I.E. Dethklok, Cannibal Corpse, Bring Me the Horizon, I Killed the Prom Queen, We Butter The Bread With Butter. The list goes but i cannot bare to name anymore of these trivial bands. And to you fuckers who enjoy this shit. Go listen to some goddamn Black Sabbath. Oh and Fuck Kiss.

Loud obnoxious noise coming from a group of Posers
Metal Head: Hey turn that shit off!
Poser 1: This is I Wrestled A Bear Once and it's better than anything you listen to Faggot.

Metal Head walks over to table finds phone in which it is being played on and smashes it.

Metal Head: Fuck You and that whinny arrogant emo shit to. Fuckin Poser Metal

by Fuckthisshitimgoinghome August 18, 2011

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