Anarcho-Scientism, also Anarcho-Scientificism, is a scientific ideology and theory that advocates science is free and anyone can make science and follow free-method. Anarcho-scientism advocates epistemological anarchism as the base of its theory and advocates the academia and the universities should be anarchized and open to anyone graduate easily and make science easily.
"Anarcho-scientism shows well how would science work in a libertarian left society, mainly in an anarcho-communist society."
"Anarcho-scientism is what the left needs to counter scientific centrism, psychiatrizationism and other consequences of neoliberalism inside science itself."
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Atheist occultism, also occult atheism, atheist esotericism and esoteric atheism, is a term used to describe occultists and esoterics, mainly on social media, that support atheism, mainly new atheism and atheist fanticism, scientism (scientific fanaticism), positivism and paranormal debunkerism, such as clap to atheists when they are called as charlatans, delusionals, mentally ill and so on. Atheist occultism is really common on social media and it also self-proclaim itself as "serious occultism" and also opposes technodeism, scientific deism, soulism, occultistocracy, esoterocracy, divinialism, extraphysicism and anything related to them or similar to them.
"Atheist occultism is just like how the institutional left worldwide actually are, atheist occultists cannot see the contradiction they do in supporting atheists who are against them and even ignore all other critics to atheists and so on."
"Of course atheists and occultists/esoterics can coexist and help each other, but the relation between new atheists and atheist occultists/esoterics are just toxic and harmful such as the relation of institutional right and institutional left. Both are working together to destroy other atheists and occultists/esoterics, and it shall be countered while there's time."
Dingirism or Dingirianism is an Anunnakist religion which holds that the Anunnaki gods are actually the leaders of the Anunna Empire and the Anunna royal family with the name "House of Dingir" and that they use the symbol of " Dingir" to refer to their dynasty and leadership position. Dingirism is characterized by holding the same ideas as Nignamtara Anunnakism and Plebeian Anunnakism, but with a greater focus on the House of Dingir and on the idea that the Anunnas should recolonize the Earth and that the Earth should become a planet Anunnaki again. Another interpretation for dingirism is the House of Dingir cult and the House of Dingir ideology.
Dingirism believes that the Anunaki gods are actually the House of Dingir of the Anunna Empire rather than simple Mesopotamian gods from Mesopotamian mythology.
Hyperdimensional Mechanics are a framework theory and hypothesis that seeks to study how atoms, frequencies and other physical and extraphysical elements woyld behave at hyperdimensional and extradimensional level, that is, outside the dimension where we live and the interaction between dimensions as well. Hyperdimensional mechanics seeks to create a bridge and connection between extraphysical mechanics, multiverse theory, hyperdimensional physics and string theory, but mainly between extraphysical mechanics and multiverse theory.
"Hyperdimensional mechanics is an interesting field for be developed inside physics, futhermore, it might take some time until it start to be developed and even tested in practice, even hyperdimensional mechanics are part of post-empirical sciences since multiverse theory and extraphysical mechanics are purely post-empirical, but still valid study areas even being considered as non-scientific by some of people."
Divine Extraphysical Form is a name of a power and a form of existence that is basically the divine version of extraphysical form, where divine beings live in extraphysical form. Divine extraphysical form is considered as the advanced stage of normal extraphysical form.
"Divine Extraphysical Form is a concept advocated by divinialism, and divinialism says it is possible to reach divine extraphysical form by technology."
"Next time someone write a fiction about divine beings, consider put divine extraphysical form and divinialist ideas inside it."
Technodeist Church, also referred as Technodeist Cult, is a name used to refer to churches and cults that use techodeism and scientific deism as the main base of their cults. Usually advocating the search for spiritual beings and gods on the same style of search for aliens, the development of technodeistic technologies and the creation of graduation courses related to technodeism and scientific deism.
"My city is about get a technodeist church, they are even building a big technological center for search for spiritual beings and gods here, it is really fucking crazy tho."
"Technodeist churches show so well that we can unite science with religion and spirituality, but the question is know how to do it, but how technodeism and scientific deism might be considered as sciences or even as protosciences, it is ok to do it."
Anunnosophy is the Anunnaki understading of anunnology and anunnakism as well, it seeks to understand anunnology and anunnakism with an Anunnaki outlook and even enable to reach an Anunnaki understanding of the world and reality as well in order to enable the better understanding of anunnology and anunnakism as well. Anunnosophy also seeks on the deep understanding of Anunnaki principles, traditions and teachings with an Anunnaki outlook and to provide Anunnaki-like descriptions about them, also working with Anunnography for do so.
âAnunnosophy is really good for the understanding of Anunnaki teachings and spirituality with an Anunnaki outlook in order to help Anunnology and Anunnography with their descriptions about Anunnas as well.â