Source Code


Any of the students from the Mark Twain School for "Special Kids". Any Mark Twain kid that got arrested or in juvenille court system.

I heard he's a Twainiac, he stole a few cars before coming here.

by GBurgNupe August 24, 2004

46👍 5👎

Glass Joe

Anything rediculously easy.

This chick was all over me, knocking it down is gonna be Glass Joe...

by GBurgNupe August 24, 2004

45👍 10👎


To work the room at a club or party

Imma hit the bar, getta Long Island, then Imma Orbit...

by GBurgNupe August 24, 2004

22👍 34👎

1st Round Draft Pick

Any top notch female worthy of being your main woman

"Sandra is ok, but her girl Tangela is a 1st Round Draft Pick"

by GBurgNupe March 25, 2004

19👍 20👎

black hole

A teammate in a pickup basketball game who won't pass to save his life...The ball goes in and won't come back out.

Don't pass to dude in the blue shorts, he's a black hole.

by GBurgNupe August 24, 2004

42👍 30👎