A social media app that is fastly becoming the personals section that Craigslist once had before it was shut down. You can find memes and shitty, self-absorbed admins on Reddit. But you can also find gloryhole locations, gay daddies, cock and pussy lovers, bear lovers (the big, chubby, hairy, often bearded homosexuals. Not the big, hairy ones that sneak into your campsite at night and eat all your food while you sleep in your camper or tent), dick riders, tits and ass lovers. The list is endless. The gloryhole section is of particular interest. You will never see a super soaker water gun the same after you realize someone named "Sooper Sucker", an xtube cock sucker with a ton of videos of him sucking every swinging dick that walks by and sticks itself through a hole and into a mouth that's on a face covered by a mask. You've got men claiming to have never had their cock sucked by a male (it's bullshit because they know there are thirsty ass males out there who will suck any dick for any old reason). Instead of ads like the ones Craigslist had, you have posts featuring short video clips and pics of guys touching their weiners or striking some weird pose to either show off their penis, ass, muscled arms with a keg belly, etc. Whatever they think appeals to the viewer.
Them: I want to play with my man tool, but I am bored with xtube, redtube and pornhub.
Me: dude, just go on Reddit. It's full of porn.
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A social media app that is fastly becoming the personals section that Craigslist once had before it was shut down. You can find memes and shitty, self-absorbed admins on Reddit. But you can also find gloryhole locations, gay daddies, cock and pussy lovers, bear lovers (the big, chubby, hairy, often bearded homosexuals. Not the big, hairy ones that sneak into your campsite at night and eat all your food while you sleep in your camper or tent), dick riders, tits and ass lovers. The list is endless. The gloryhole section is of particular interest. You will never see a super soaker water gun the same after you realize someone named "Sooper Sucker", an xtube cock sucker with a ton of videos of him sucking every swinging dick that walks by and sticks itself through a hole and into a mouth that's on a face covered by a mask. You've got men claiming to have never had their cock sucked by a male (it's bullshit because they know there are thirsty ass males out there who will suck any dick for any old reason). Instead of ads like the ones Craigslist had, you have posts featuring short video clips and pics of guys touching their weiners or striking some weird pose to either show off their penis, ass, muscled arms with a keg belly, etc. Whatever they think appeals to the viewer.
Them: I'm so fucking pissed Craigslist got rid of the personals. Grindr is fucking useless and Adam4Adam is too.
Me: go to Reddit. I'm sure you'll find just what you're looking for. There's entire group dedicated to worshipping penises and vaginas, daddies, bears.
Them: fuck!!! I'm so fucking horny now. I'm gonna go join these subreddit groups!
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A mysterious entity that has the power to keep you in a competition, so that you can keep slaying hoes left and right.
"Raven and Jujubee. Shante, you stay"
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When you're being so dramatic and over the top over a small, often petty issue, if there is even one at all. This term applies to both men and women.
John: I can't believe these MFers added all these damn pickles on my burger. I specifically said "FOUR pickles", not fucking six!!!! I'm never eating here again!
Robert: OK queen! Jesus. Just take off the two extra pickles!
1) A website for aviation enthusiasts and aviation nerds. 2) A cyber world where Boeing is always wrong and Airbus is always right, but reality sees to it that both manufacturers are pretty even in just about ever field.
While it's original intent was to be a sounding board for those wishing to bond and discuss all things aviation, recent events within the aviation world have revealed the contempt amongst the members of this website. Expect to see many Airbus vs Boeing keyboard wars. Many of the members seem to believe Airbus is superior to Boeing and that the former will steal orders from the latter. For example, Southwest Airlines, a solely 737 operator, was rumored to be getting ready to make a huge order. Airliners.net fan boys assumed that the A220 (aka Bombardier C-Series) which is a fantastic aircraft, would be Southwest's aircraft of choice to replace aging 737-700s. Southwest has all 737s but different variations of it within its fleet. Lots of fan boys predicted a massive order of over a 100 A220s with 100 options for more. Instead, Southwest stuck with the newer 737MAX 7, a direct replacement to the 737-700, with an order for 150 and options for 100 more. The move made sense since the airline doesn't have to train it's pilots, maintenance and cabin crews on a totally new aircraft design. Less money for the to spend. This angered and disappointed many of the Airbus fan boys. To them, Airbus should have got it while Boeing sits back and cries in a corner.
I went online looking to see what's going on with the 777X delays. Google took me to the Civil aviation forum on airliners.net. I feel like I should hate Boeing, but I don't know why. Then I also feel like I should hate Airbus too. But... why?
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Any faggot totally obsessed with bam margera. They have the clothes the boarding equipment (even if they don't skate) and try to act like him.
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