Robotomy is a short-running 10 episodic TV-PG-V show about 2 robots named Thrasher and Blastus who live in the planet Insanus. They deal with major problems in their planet, including high school. The show was directed by Adult-Swim's Superjail director, Christy Karacas.
The reason it was cancelled is because of the budget of the show and boring/unaccepted ideas. This is one of the most cared shows around CN fans, since Robot-related TV shows where the most targeted influence. The production company of the show, World Leaders did not use their YouTube channel for 2 long years because of the show.
Quotes from Robotomy:
1. Blastus: "Sometimes... I'm never fresh..." *laughs*
2. Thrasher: "I hate 'fight-your-way-to-school day.'"
3. Weenus: "Who will help me pick the ground? Not me! NOT ME."
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