The language of the Sugondese people from Sugonma, the capital city of Sugma with a population of 6942 people (2020 Census). It is the economic city of Sugma making approximately $696,969,420 a year. Its economy is based on its trading. It is the world's largest exporter of exotic nuts and other edible nuts. Its population count is only 10% of the country's total count of 69,420. Sugma only has a small population because it is a microstate with a total land area of 420 square kilometres.
Person 1: "deEZ nUtZ SURE ARe TAstY! WhEre dID yoU geT THEM FRoM?"
Person 2: "They are Sugondese nuts"
Person 1: "Wha-"
Person 2: "I said sugondese nuts"
Person 1: "Gladly."
Person 2: "wh- what the fuck r u doing"
The rip-off version of X-Men but with a lot more members including:
sperm cell X
sperm cell Y
sperm cell X
sperm cell Y
sperm cell X
sperm cell Y
Person 1: Hey did you hear about the new series C-Men, it's like a ripoff of X-men
Person 2: No, what is it?
Person 1: The creamy white stuff inside your mouth