Source Code

Toaster Bath

The act of placing one’s toaster into one’s filled bathtub with the desired effect of death.

Justin: “Hey Clay, I heard Hannah Baker committed toaster bath.”

Clay: “Yeah it’s all the rage now!”

by GOTY'M March 6, 2019

65👍 7👎


If you have to look up funny your probably a fag.

Funny oIo

by GOTY'M June 6, 2016

8👍 13👎

side shoota

A vape u hit through the side of ur mask during quarantine

Mane my side shootas dead

by GOTY'M February 19, 2021


The best way to get Adderall.

'I have ADHD give me drugs or I'll pop yo ass." -HBCU College Student

by GOTY'M June 6, 2016

5👍 27👎