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The act of or process of making a drink more like Bitch Fizz

Greg: "This Tooheys New tastes pretty shithouse"

Alex: "Why don't you BITCHFIZZIFY it with some Bickfords then?"

Greg "Yes, 150 years of quality"

by GReg January 7, 2004

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A Cardassian tailor on DS9. Garak was exiled from his home world of Cardassia, and was later found out to be a former Obsidian Order spy. He is son to Enabran Tain and is somewhat of a mystery to to most.

Garak is a mystery wrapped in a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma.

by GReg October 7, 2004

80πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A town with a mixture of different kinds of people.

Reisterstown is aight.

by GReg April 15, 2004

21πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


When you're doing a girl on the top of the stairs from behind and you randomly grab her arms and put them behind her back and ride her down the stairs.

Felica broke her jaw because I gave her the bobsled last night

by GReg August 23, 2003

295πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


Skrewdriver were a white-power band from the u.k. fronted by the late and great Ian Stuart. he also led the "blood and honour" group, and was a great inspiration to everyone in the movement. Skrewdriver were best known for one of their most ground breaking songs "white power". was and always will be a legendary band.

"fight for your country, fight for your race, fight for your nation" - skrewdriver

by GReg January 19, 2005

304πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž


Broome Community College, two year school located in Binghamton, NY. Synonyms: Yale by the Jail, Front Street University, The Thirteenth Grade

I go to BCC and saving a shitload of money by not going to some overpriced college for the first 2 years.

by GReg September 4, 2004

51πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Douche Bag

Fucking Moron

Derek is such a Douche Bag.

by GReg April 13, 2004

123πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž