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1. A ninja from the anime Naruto who clearly is a homosexual. He doesn't give women a second look, and is obsessed with his brother and desperately seeks Orochimaru, a little boy collector. And he's a jerk. The show would be much better, without him.

1. I hate Sasuke, that fag.

by GUEST March 21, 2005

454πŸ‘ 377πŸ‘Ž

any clan shock wave member

big faggots that are gay and are stupid

shock unnamed,crow,screed,swift,imp,swift,format

by GUEST June 5, 2003

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

My Pictures

A lovley folder in various versions of Windows and another prime example of Disobedient Computer Syndrome.

Will appear in your 'My Documents' folder whenever you open display control panel or open programs like Photoshop etc.

No matter now many times you delete it, it will re-appear.

Another example of how Windows wants everyone to do things its way and cannot understand that maybe just maybe people want to store their images in another folder.

My Pictures always appears in My Documents wether you want it to or not. You have no choice; resistance is futile.

by GUEST March 9, 2005

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

kraft dinner

Pretty much what your average College or University student must learn to subside on because rent and education costs leave them basically in poverty.

What lots of teachers are known to say: Believe me guys; I was a poor student. I remember living on Kraft Dinner for weeks to afford my books.

by GUEST March 15, 2005

62πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž

soul rape

That feeling you get when you see, experience, read or hear something that causes you to die a little inside and/or lose more of what little innocense you have left.

Some people accuse others of soul rape when said others disagree with something they're produced. The idea being that they're expressing a part of themsevles and in saying that part of wrong, the others are harming them on a deep inner spirtual type of level.

I suffered a serious case of soul rape when I accidently stumbled upon porn of classic 80's cartoons.

by GUEST August 26, 2005

76πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

The bouncy flashy taskbar button feature

A 'feature' of Windows XP and a type of Disobedient Computer Syndrome.

You can see a perfect example of this if you set the taskbar to autohide, and have say MSN Messenger running (and have disabled 'display alerts when a new message is recieved')

Whenever a new message comes in, the taskbar button for it will flash (or at least remain highlighted) until you click on it. As well, the taskbar itself will pop-up and you cannot get it to autohide until that button stops flashing (ie, you click on it to see what it is).

A *very* annoying feature as you might have several windows and programs running at once and may be focused on something which having to respond to a message (and seeing that bloddy button flashing like some attention craving person that refuses to wait for you and/or cannot understand that you're also doing other things and/or talking to other people) will break your concentration. Having busy or away mode will not stop this feature.

Pop-up's on websites and other windows demanding attention will also do it.

There is no apparent way to turn this feature off, making it one of the most aggrivating features in Windows XP.

A user is working in photoshop or watching a DVD with MSN set to away or busy when one of his contacts keeps messaging him, causing this wonderfull feature to distract him.

User: Hmmmm, looks like someone wants me to block him.

by GUEST March 9, 2005

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž



"AMGs are sweet cars!"

by GUEST August 29, 2003

114πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž