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Rob Guy

A Rob Guy is a guy who is white but everyone knows him as black. Rob guy steals from Walmarts and lives in a trailer. He also says nigga and/or nigger a lot, But the hood still loves him

He is such a Rob Guy the way he steals and lives in a trailer

by Gabe Owner The First April 18, 2022

Rob Guy

Rob guy is just a white guy that people know him as black. He steals and lives in a trailer. He also hates black people and says nigga and/or nigger alot, but the hood still loves him

He is such as rob guy

by Gabe Owner The First April 18, 2022


Eva is a big fat piece of human lard. Eva’s consume over 10,000 calories a day and have to way over 10 tons to be considered and Eva. You know someone is an Eva when they call other people fat. They think they are not fat but they look and weigh the size of a semi truck.

Look at that Eva they just consumed 3 family thanksgivings in 10 minutes

by Gabe Owner The First May 6, 2022

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